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Teen Yoga

What to Expect

Teen yoga consists of a myriad of elements such as: restorative based yoga, which allows their constantly changing and evolving minds and bodies a rest and a chance to calibrate but also more upbeat, powerful poses and sequences to burn off excess energy, nerves and produce endorphins for that happy post yoga natural buzz. Mouse delivers classes that allows teens to discover how their breath can shift their mood and mindset, as well as leading through poses and sequences to improve confidence, flexibility, mobility and core strength. The tools and techniques they develop over time can aid them in personal focus, happiness and relaxation both the immediate term and in their future lives.

The time on the mat together allows a safe container to be created for conversation too.

I let them be heard...











I am currently located in South West London and where I can teach in the comfort of your own home


Or via Zoom

T E S T I M O N I E S 

I don’t call Yoga a work-out, it’s a work-in. It is a journey for the self, by the self. Yoga is an art, a science, a sport that doesn’t care about your ability, only your ambition.






James: 14

The Yoga classes with Ms Mouse are the best workout for our teens. They are challenging and at the same time help them to focus and meditate as well as relaxing and allowing them to offload worries that maybe myself or my husband cannot support.



        Bella: Mother of 2 teens

The classes are really helpful for me during the hard times of studying. It is a really nice stress relief.








Louisa: 16

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